About me

Hello! I'm Suzanne Joanmarie Juanita Nessi Hans, a passionate artist specializing in crafting Unique Book Cover Designs tailored to individual authors, their readers and, their stories.

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my journey

From a young age, I’ve been drawn to creative expression, finding inspiration in both art and music. As I honed my skills in painting, I discovered the profound connection between visual art and music, exploring how rhythm, color, and movement intertwine to evoke emotions.


Drawing from my background in journalism and my love for painting, I’ve developed a unique approach to book cover design for Amazon KDP authors. Just as music has the power to stir emotions, I believe that a well-designed book cover can captivate readers and convey the essence of a story.

In my work, I strive to infuse each book cover with meaning and emotion, using color theory and visual elements to resonate with readers on a deep level. Much like a symphony, a book cover should harmonize with the author’s narrative, enticing readers to embark on a literary journey.

Authors Speak Out | Testimonials on My Creative Designs


For Garfield’s 40th birthday, I wanted to give him a truly special gift that reflected our shared passions. After much anticipation, I decided to surprise him with a redesign of a book cover from Suzanne. The process of choosing Suzanne’s service was a delightful journey in itself, filled with excitement and anticipation.

From our initial consultation to the final reveal, Suzanne’s expertise and creativity shone through every step of the way. Working closely with her, we were able to bring Garfield’s vision to life in a way that exceeded our expectations. The end result was not just a beautiful book cover, but a meaningful symbol of our life’s hyistory. 


A book that they sell/gift in their conferences

Growing up in a very rural place back in Venezuela was an intense paranormal experience. Things I thought were normal definitely weren’t, and the things I thought were kinda creepy were, in fact, much worse than I believed in the first place, like conspiracy theories creepier.

Now in Canada, one day my coworkers told me that I should write a book about all those events. And so I did.

For the cover, I knew what I wanted to communicate, but I just couldn’t do it in Canva with my zero design skills, no matter how many tutorials I watched.

That was when I found Suzanne!

Her process, her hard work, and the way she understood everything were incredible. Now, every time I look at the book, I’m transported to one of those paranormal experiences and I love it!

jose (chucho) salazar

The book he always wanted to write

Having a blog with a good amount of traffic and Google AdSense is not enough passive income, especially when we can earn more with affiliate links and our own info products.

At least, that was my idea and, thanks to Suzanne, I made it happen.

This Lead Magnet has done so much for my blog and business that I can’t be anything else than grateful.

Thanks a lot for the cover, the banners and for the ideas for my website; it really improved the CTR and time on page!

Sandra Törnroth

A Lead Magnet for her Funnel
Check Out her Website

More About Me and My Most Recent Book Coming Soon...

Of course I have my own books published on Amazon KDP, low-content books. However, I’m working in my firts real book and you will be one of the first persons to have a look at it once is finish. Keep an eye of the blog for more updates.

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